Rice “Zeppole” Stick




Porzioni Ricetta Oro d'etna Porzioni Ricetta Oro d'etna Porzioni Ricetta Oro d'etna Porzioni Ricetta Oro d'etna Porzioni Ricetta Oro d'etna
Tempo di preparazione

Cooking time


500 gr. Rice 250 gr. Flour type "00" 400 gr. Orange honey 20 gr. fresh yeast 1 glass of milk 1 orange cinnamon powder q.s. Salt q.s. Cooking oil q.s. Icing sugar q.s.


Boil the rice in lightly salted water. When it is cooked, drain and let cool. Meanwhile, dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Sift the flour directly on the cold rice and add the milk with the yeast and the grated rind of half an orange. Let the dough rest half an hour. On a lightly floured tray work the dough creating sticks of about 10 cm in length and about 2 cm in diameter. Fry in hot oil until golden advanced cooking. Place the sticks on a paper towel to remove the excess oil. In a pan slightly heat the honey with the juice of half an orange and a hint of cinnamon. At heat off add and mix the rice sticks. Place them on a plate and sprinkle with icing sugar.


For a softer and more flavourful dough you can cook rice in 1250 ml of milk and vanillin.

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